Карън Фукухара Височина, тегло, възраст, гадже, семейство, факти, биография

Родено име

Карън Фукухара



Карън Фукухара показва новия си цвят на косата в селфи през ноември 2016 г.

Слънчев знак


Родено място

Лос Анджелис, Калифорния, САЩ




След като завършва гимназия, Карън Фукухара се записва в Калифорнийския университет в Лос Анджелис, за  да завърши бакалавърска степен по социология и театър през 2014 г.




  • Баща - Баща й работи с японска компания.
  • Майка - Майка й е учителка по пиано.
  • Братя и сестри - Тя има по-малък брат.


Карън Фукухара е представена от базираната в Бевърли Хилс Обединена агенция за таланти.




5 фута 2 инча или 157 см


50 кг

Карън Фукухара, която се мотае с приятеля си Арден Чо, както се вижда през март 2017 г.

Раса / етническа принадлежност


Тя има японски произход.

Цвят на косата


Цвят на очите


Сексуална ориентация


Отличителни черти

  • Дребна фигура
  • Високи скули
Карън Фукухара на Международната комическа комисия в Сан Диего през 2016 г.

Най-известен с

  • В ролята на Тацу Ямаширо / Катана в екшън филма за супергерои, Отряд самоубийци  (2016).
  • Като е дала гласа си на героите на Алексис и Канализационната кралица в анимационния телевизионен сериал „ Крейг от Крийк“ , излъчен в Cartoon Network.

Първи филм

In 2016, Karen made her theatrical film debut in the popular action-comedy flick, Suicide Squad.

First TV Show

In 2016, Karen Fukuhara made her first TV show appearance as herself on the talk show, Conan.

Personal Trainer

To prepare for her role of Katana, Karen had to undertake a specialized and grueling training regime. Her training regime comprised of martial arts training, sword training, and gym work. She also had to undertake a weight training regime so that she could lift the sword and wield it flawlessly. The sword training gave her a good core workout.

She did martial arts training under the guidance of Richard Mesquita. For the stunts and action sequences, she had to work with Richard Norton and Guy Norris.

After the end of the Suicide Squad shoot, Karen changed her workout routine. She tries to go to the gym as much as possible. The workout starts with rower or treadmill. It is followed by weight training. Karen has also started going back to karate dojo that she used to train at while in high school.

Regarding food, she doesn’t follow any diet and loves to eat carb-rich pasta and rice. However, to prepare for her role, she had to follow one. She had to eat a lot of chicken breast, quinoa, and green vegetables. However, she didn’t have to worry about meal preparation as she was given customized meals on the movie sets.

Karen Fukuhara Favorite Things

  • Dream Director – Christopher Nolan
  • Spirit Animal – Alpaca
Source – Hollywood Reporter, Coup de Main Magazine
Карън Фукухара в селфи в Instagram през септември 2016 г.

Karen Fukuhara Facts

  1. While studying in high school, she was a karate champion. However, she had only got into karate because her brother had started karate and her mother wanted Karen to babysit him.
  2. To prepare for her role in Suicide Squad, she perfected her sword fighting skills. She also did most of her stunts in the movie on her own.
  3. Before she got her big break in Hollywood, she did a number of odd jobs including working as a subtitle editor, part-time translator, and waitress at a sushi restaurant.
  4. When she learned that she was going to be cast in Suicide Squad, she was working as a translator for a Japanese model.
  5. Her suicide squad co-star Margot Robbie tattooed SKWAD on her heel, while they were shooting for the movie. Robbie had got tattoo gun as a birthday present.
  6. While growing up, her first language at home was Japanese. Her father still can’t fluently converse in English.
  7. For her audition tape for Suicide Squad, she borrowed a sword from her friend and learned moves a day before she taped her audition.
  8. When she got her role in the successful DC movie, she didn’t have an agent.
  9. In karate, she has managed to earn a brown striped belt. She used to fly to Japan for various karate world championships.
  10. She managed to bag her first professional gig while she was in middle school. She was hired as a reporter for Disney Channel’s Movie Surfers, in which she got to interview many actors including Johnny Depp, who were cast in Disney projects.
  11. Докато учи в гимназията, тя работи в качеството си на спортен репортер за японска телевизионна мрежа, NHK.
  12. Докато учи в UCLA, тя е била член на групата Cappella в колежа, UCLA Medleys. Преди пееше за групата.
  13. Следвайте я във Facebook, Twitter и Instagram.

Представено изображение от Карън Фукухара / Instagram

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