Лиъм Галахър Височина, тегло, възраст, приятелка, семейство, факти, биография

Лиъм Галахър Бърза информация
Височина 5 фута 10 инча
Тегло 70 кг
Дата на раждане 21 септември 1972 г.
Зодия зодия Дева
Цвят на очите Син

Лиъм Галахър е английски певец, автор на песни и мултиинструменталист, най-известен като солист на рок бандата Oasis между 1991 и 2009 г., по време на която те са определени като една от най-добрите групи във Великобритания от различни анкети. Като част от групата той издава 7 студийни албума между 1994 и 2009 г. Дебютният им албум Определено може би (1994) има огромен търговски успех и става най-бързо продаваният британски албум през тази година. Вторият им албум, (Каква е историята) Morning Glory? (1995), постигна още по-голям успех и доведе до международните турнета на групата. Лиъм и групата му издадоха още 5 студийни албума - Be Here Now (1997), Standing on the Shoulder of Giants (2000),Химическа химия (2002), Не вярвайте на истината (2005) и Изкопайте душата си (2008), преди да се разделят през 2009.

След разпадането им Лиъм и някои бивши членове на Oasis обявиха, че са се събрали, за да сформират група  Beady Eye.  Дебютният им албум, озаглавен Different Gear, Still Speeding, излезе на 28 февруари 2011 г. След повече от 2 години представяне, те издадоха втория си студиен албум BE на 12 юни 2013 г. На 25 октомври 2014 г. членовете уведомиха своя Twitter последователи, че групата вече я няма и Лиъм започва да изпълнява соло. След 2 години изпълнение на солови песни, които той е писал през годините, Лиъм издава дебютния си заглавие в студиен албум As You Wereна 6 октомври 2017 г. През април 2018 г. той потвърди, че процесът на запис на 2-ри студиен албум е в ход. Лиъм Галахър има огромна международна база от фенове, с повече от 3 милиона последователи в Twitter и повече от 1 милион последователи в Instagram.

Родено име

Уилям Джон Пол Галахър


Лиам, нашето дете, мънисто око, оазис, Weetabix

Лиъм Галахър по време на представление през юни 2017 г.

Слънчев знак

зодия Дева

Родено място

Burnage, Манчестър, Англия, Великобритания


Хенли на Темза, Англия, Великобритания




Лиъм Галахър посещава началното училище на St. Bernard's RC в Burnage, Манчестър, Англия, Великобритания, докато навърши 11 години.

След това се записва в римокатолическата гимназия „Барлоу“ в Дидсбъри, Манчестър, Англия, Великобритания. По-късно докладите твърдят, че е бил експулсиран на 16-годишна възраст, защото се е бил, но в действителност Лиъм е бил отстранен само за 3 месеца.

Той се завърна, за да завърши последния си мандат през пролетта на 1990 г. и спечели 4 GCSE (Общо свидетелство за средно образование).


Певец, автор на песни, мултиинструменталист


  • Баща - Томас „Томи“ Галахър
  • Майка - Маргарет „Пеги“ Суини Галахър
  • Братя и сестри - Ноел Галахър (по-стар брат) (певец, автор на песни, китарист), Пол Галахър (по-стар брат)
  • Други - Уилям Галахър (дядо по бащина линия), Томас Галахър (прадядо по бащина линия), Мери Ан Лий (баба по бащина линия), Маргарет „Пеги“ Суини (баба по майчина линия)


Лиъм Галахър е представен от Paradigm Talent Agency (Talent Agent Commercial) в Бевърли Хилс, Калифорния, САЩ.


Рок, алтернативен рок, Бритпоп


Вокали, пиано, китара, тамбура, маракаси, перкусии


  • Създаване
  • Голям брат
  • Epic Records
  • Beady Eye
  • Warner Bros.




5 фута 10 инча или 178 см


70 kg или 154,5 lbs

Лиъм Галахър, както се вижда през септември 2005 г.

Приятел / съпруга

Лиъм Галахър е датирал -

  1. Лили Алън - Лиъм имаше връзка с известната певица Лили Алън по някое време преди 1994 г.
  2. Kadamba Simmons (1994) - Съобщава се, че се е срещал с актрисата Kadamba Simmons през 1994 г.
  3. Patsy Kensit (1994-2000) – Liam started dating actress Patsy Kensit in 1994. After 3 years of dating, he married her on April 7, 1997. The pair divorced on September 22, 2000. They have a son together, named Lennon Francis Gallagher (b. September 13, 1999), who was named after Liam’s musical idol, John Lennon.
  4. Lisa Moorish (1995-1997) – While dating Patsy, Liam had a 2-year long affair with the Killy City singer, Lisa Moorish. Their daughter Molly Moorish was conceived during the affair in June 1997 and was born on March 15, 1998. In an article in May 2018, it was announced that Liam had never met Molly in his life until earlier that month. He, alongside his sons Lennon and Gene came to meet Molly, and they reconnected and shared a picture on social media together.
  5. Rachel Hunter (2000) – He had a short-lived encounter with the New Zealander model, Rachel Hunter in 2000.
  6. Nicole Appleton (2000-2014) – Liam began dating the Canadian musician, Nicole Appleton in June 2000, and they dated for 8 years before getting married on February 14, 2008, at Westminster Register Office, which was the same venue he got married to Patsy in. They have a son together named Gene Gallagher (b. July 2, 2001). The pair divorced on April 9, 2014.
  7. Liza Ghorbani (2010-2012) – He had another affair with the New York Times journalist, Liza Ghorbani in 2010. Their bliss lasted until 2012 when the public found out that Liza got pregnant, and he was the father to her daughter Gemma, who was born in January 2013. In May 2018, Liam claimed that he also never met Gemma, just like he didn’t meet Molly until that point. However, he said that he bought Liza and his daughter a house and supported them financially, but didn’t remain on good terms. He added that if Gemma ever wanted to meet him, he would be willing, as he has nothing against her.
  8. Debbie Gwyther (2013-Present) – Another affair was uncovered in June 2013, while he was still technically married to Nicole, this time with his personal assistant, Debbie Gwyther. He kept his dating history private, but in an interview in May 2017, Liam claimed Debbie helped him overcome his personal problems, mainly drinking and depression, and motivated him to make new music.

Race / Ethnicity


He is of Irish descent.

Hair Color

Dark Brown

Eye Color


Sexual Orientation


Distinctive Features

  • Defined facial features
  • Often wears sunglasses
  • Bushy eyebrows
  • Hunched posture while singing

Brand Endorsements

Liam Gallagher has promoted brands such as –

  • Pretty Green
  • Clarks Originals (2018)

Liam Gallagher has promoted causes such as –

  • Stand Up To Cancer (2017)
  • The Climate Coalition (2017)


Roman Catholicism

Лиъм Галахър, както се вижда през 2017 г.

Best Known For

  • Being the founder and lead singer of the bands Oasis (1991–2009) and Beady Eye (2009–2014), and releasing his debut solo studio album As You Were (2017)
  • Releasing 7 studio albums with Oasis Definitely Maybe (1994), (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? (1995), Be Here Now (1997), Standing on the Shoulder of Giants (2000), Heathen Chemistry (2002), Don’t Believe the Truth (2005), Dig Out Your Soul (2008), and 2 studio albums with Beady Eye – Different Gear, Still Speeding (2011), and BE (2013)

First Album

Liam Gallagher released his debut solo studio album titled As You Were on October 6, 2017, via Warner Bros. Records. The album debuted at number 1 spot in the UK, outsold all of the albums in top 10 of the Billboard UK Albums Chart combined, and was later certified ‘Platinum’ in the UK. One of the producers for the album, Greg Kurstin, won a Grammy Award for “Producer of the Year, Non-Classical” in 2018. The most notable tracks from the album were Wall of Glass, Chinatown, Greedy Soul, Come Back To Me, and I’ve All I Need.

As a part of the rock band Oasis, Liam Gallagher released his debut studio album titled Definitely Maybe on August 28, 1994, and it quickly became the fastest selling British debut album ever. It achieved a 7x certified ‘Platinum’ status by the BPI with over 2.1 million sales and sold more than 8 million copies worldwide. It consisted of 11 tracks, out of which Supersonic, Shakermaker, Cigarettes & Alcohol, Rock ‘n’ Roll Star, and Live Forever were the most prominent.

As a part of the band Beady Eye, Liam Gallagher released his debut studio album titled Different Gear, Still Speeding on February 28, 2011, which debuted at number 3 on the UK Albums Chart and sold just under 67k copies in the 1st week. It consisted of 13 tracks, with the most notable being Bring the Light, Millionaire, The Beat Goes On, The Roller, and Four Letter Word.

First Film

Liam Gallagher made his theatrical film debut as himself in the musical documentary Live Forever: The Rise and Fall of Brit Pop in 2003.

First TV Show

Liam Gallagher made his first TV show appearance as himself in an episode of the talk-show The Word on March 18, 1994.

Liam Gallagher Favorite Things

  • People – John Lennon, Elvis Presley, Madonna
  • Band – The Beatles
  • Sport – Soccer
  • Soccer Club – Manchester City Football Club
  • Animal – Cat
  • Movies – Quadrophenia (1979), Trainspotting (1996), Seven (1995), Scarface (1983)
  • TV Shows – Total Wipeout, Big Brother, Coronation Street
  • Heartbreak SongPerfect Day by Lou Reed
  • Personal Quote – “I believe in paralleled dimensions, mate. People always say there’s two sides of the coin, but what about the third side? The bit in the middle? That’s what I’m into.”

Source – Wikipedia, IMDb, Instagram, Twitter, NME

Лиъм Галахър по време на кампанията PupAid през септември 2012 г.

Liam Gallagher Facts

  1. Liam’s parents divorced when he was 12 years old, and he was physically abused by his father as a child.
  2. He and his brothers left with his mother when he was 10 years old, and Liam didn’t stay in touch with his father throughout the years.
  3. Liam was troubled as a teen and even stole bicycles from local shops.
  4. He wasn’t interested in music growing up and preferred to play soccer. However, after he got a blow to the head with a hammer from a guy from a rival school, he suddenly became obsessed with joining a band.
  5. Liam started listening to bands such as The Who, The Stone Roses, The Jam, T.Rex, and The Beatles in his teens and soon became obsessed with John Lennon of The Beatles.
  6. In 2017, he claimed that if it weren’t for pop singer Madonna, he would never have entered the music industry. It was her song Like a Virgin that piqued his interest.
  7. Liam had a love-hate relationship with his brother Noel, who he was in Oasis with, and who wrote most of the songs for the band. They often insulted each other, then made up, and got back into arguments, which ultimately led to the band’s separation in 2009. As of late 2018, they weren’t on good terms.
  8. In 1992, he gave the model Kate Moss black Adidas Samba shoes, which she wore on occasion even up to 2016. She jokingly said that Liam had the same shoe size as her, which was speculated to be somewhere between 6 and 8 US.
  9. British music magazine Q named him the greatest frontman of all-time via the reader’s poll in 2010.
  10. In 2013, Liam claimed he replaced his drug addiction with shoe obsession, and collected more than 100 pairs of Adidas shoes. However, he gave most of them to charity but kept between 20 to 30 of his favorite pairs.
  11. Liam met Mick Jagger from The Rolling Stones at a party. He tapped him on the shoulder and immediately did an impression of him, saying it made Mick respect him more.
  12. He has a cat named Nancy.
  13. Liam is a big fan of the animated TV series SpongeBob Squarepants that began airing in 1999.
  14. On a list of the wittiest people in British history by the satellite channel Dave, he was 10th, right behind Brian Clough and William Shakespeare. Oscar Wilde was the 1st.
  15. His clothing brand, Pretty Green, named after the song of the same name by The Jam, was named “Menswear Brand of the Year” at the Drapers Awards event in 2010.
  16. He was a fan of Michael Jackson, but only when he was a part of the band, Jackson Five.
  17. He believes in aliens.
  18. Liam is a big fan of aftershave products. He uses Christian Dior and Victoria’s Secret’s Very Sexy: For Him.
  19. At his home in Henley-On-Thames, England, he has his own bar, stocked with booze to be used on special occasions.
  20. His signature stature while singing, with a hunched posture and arms behind the back, was because it allowed him to project more vocal power.
  21. Liam’s favorite song by his band Oasis is Life Forever (1994). He didn’t write it, but because it outlasted other tunes, it became his top pick.
  22. His ex-wife, Patsy Kensit, was a back-up singer on his song All Around The World (1998).
  23. One of his well-known tracks, Ain’t Got Nothin, was written after he had a hotel brawl with a businessman in Munich, Germany in 2002.
  24. Лиъм каза, че ако трябва да умре, на погребението му ще бъде пусната песен Natural Mystic от Боб Марли (1977). Песента е записана за албума Exodus тази година, след опит за покушение срещу Боб Марли и съпругата му, който се случи през декември 1976 г.
  25. Посетете официалния му уебсайт @ liamgallagher.com.
  26. Следвайте го в Instagram, Twitter, iTunes, YouTube и Spotify.

Представено изображение от Petful / Flickr / CC BY-2.0

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