YNW Melly Височина, тегло, възраст, приятелка, семейство, факти, биография

YNW Melly Бърза информация
Височина 5 фута 8 инча
Тегло 68 кг
Дата на раждане 1 май 1999 г.
Зодия Телец
Цвят на очите Тъмно кафяво

YNW Melly е американски рапър, певец и автор на песни, който започва да издава рап песни от 15- годишна възраст, но е най-известен с хитовия сингъл Murder on My Mind , първоначално качен на аудио платформата SoundCloud на 4 март 2017 г., но официално пуснат на 1 юни 2018 г. Първоначално той достигна 14-то място в американската класация Billboard Hot 100 и 7-мо в класацията за американски Billboard Hot R & B / Hip-Hop Songs, но достигна сертифициран статус „Platinum“ в САЩ на 14 март, 2019. YNW Melly също пусна дебютния си EP Collect Call в края на 2017 г., докато е в затвора, на който си сътрудничи с рапърите Lil B и John Wicks.

През 2018 г. той започна масово да издава сингли, които бяха много добре приети от публиката, като Virtual (Blue Balenciagas) , Slang That Iron , Melly the Menace , Butter Pecan и други. Той пусна дебютния си микс, озаглавен I Am You, през август 2018 г., а вторият му микс We We Shine последва няколко месеца по-късно и излезе на 17 януари 2019 г., състоящ се от 16 парчета. YNW Melly си сътрудничи с Kanye West по една от песните от микстейпа, озаглавена „ Смесени личности“ , а музикалният видеоклип към него събра близо 37 милиона гледания в YouTube в началото на март 2019 г.

Родено име

Джеймъл Морис Демони


YNW Мели, Мели

YNW Melly, както се вижда в неговия Instagram през март 2019 г.

Слънчев знак


Родено място

Гифорд, Флорида, САЩ


Маями, Флорида, САЩ




Той посещава гимназията Vero Beach,  но по-късно е изключен, след като е арестуван и обвинен за стрелба с пистолет в района.

YNW Мели спечели своя GED (общообразователно развитие), докато беше в затвора.


Рапър, певец, автор на песни


YNW Melly е представена от 100K Community Management във Флорида, САЩ.


Хип хоп




  • P2018
  • YSL записи
  • 300 Развлечения




5 фута 8 инча или 173 см


68 kg или 150 lbs

YNW Melly, както се вижда в неговия профил в Instagram през февруари 2019 г.

Раса / етническа принадлежност


Той е от афро-американски произход.

Цвят на косата


Цвят на очите

Тъмно кафяво

Сексуална ориентация


Отличителни черти

  • Афро коса или страхове
  • Стройна физика
  • Често носи скъпи часовници и бижута
  • Тънки мустаци по лицето
  • Татуировки
YNW Melly, както се вижда в неговия профил в Instagram през март 2019 г.

Най-известен с

  • Неговият сингъл Murder on My Mind излезе на 1 юни 2018 г.
  • Хитови сингли Whodie  и 4 Real , издадени през 2018 г.
  • Две от неговите микстейпи, Аз съм ти (2018) и We All Shine (2019)
  • Песента му с участието на Kanye West, озаглавена Mixed Personalities , издадена на 18 януари 2019 г.

Като певец

През 2017 г. YNW Melly записва и пуска първия си официален музикален проект, EP, озаглавен Collect Call , докато все още е в затвора.

След няколко успешни сингъла между тях, на август 2018 г. той пусна I Am You , дебютния си микс, който беше добре приет. Няколко месеца по-късно, през януари 2019 г. , беше издаден неговият 2-ри микстейп, We All Shine , състоящ се от 16 парчета.

YNW Melly Любими неща

  • Интерес - Мода, бижута, рисуване, танци
  • Напитка Growing Up - Шоколадово мляко
  • Храстването - супа от чедър от броколи
  • Idol - Майкъл Джексън, Young Thug, Lil Wayne, Prince
  • Вдъхновение от жанра - R&B, Trap
  • Животни - куче, змия

Източник - YouTube

YNW Melly, както се вижда в неговия профил в Instagram през януари 2019 г.

YNW Мели факти

  1. His original artist name was Kid Fresh. The nickname Melly came to him when he stole a burger from a restaurant, and while hiding in the bushes, one of his friends called him Melly, after which the name stuck.
  2. YNW stands for Young N*gga World, but his merchandise lists it as Young New World, primarily so it was more suitable for wearing in public.
  3. The first memory he has of his childhood is riding his pet dog’s back. The dog’s name was Bow-wow.
  4. YNW Melly recorded his 1st song when he was in the 8th grade, by sticking a microphone with a coat hanger, and putting a cap from his head over it to condense his voice.
  5. When he was 15 years old, he started posting songs on a SoundCloud account he called YNW MUSIC.
  6. YNW Melly grew up with his mother and grandmother.
  7. His mother was 14 when she got pregnant with him and gave birth when she was in the 9th grade.
  8. His mom would often bring him to work at the Chili’s restaurant with her, and he would drink chocolate milk and draw and color in his coloring book.
  9. He wanted to be like Michael Jackson since he was around 5 years of age.
  10. Growing up, all he had access to in terms of music was Chris Brown‘s album.
  11. His uncle used to do drugs in front of Melly when he was young.
  12. On one occasion, when he was 9, he was staying at his uncle’s house and watching Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. After he tried to imitate a fight scene with a toy gun, he fell and hit his head on the couch, after which he discovered a real revolver hidden under it. YNW Melly said that he later shot the gun just to try it, and could barely hear anything for a week.
  13. He carried a real gun anywhere he went during the 4th grade and would keep it in a lunchbox. Sometimes he even had multiple guns with him for protection.
  14. He and his friends set the forest on fire because it seemed fun. Luckily, firefighters contained the fire, but he got a beating from his mom.
  15. When YNW Melly was 16, he shot a gun near Vero Beach High School, and even though no one was hurt, he was charged with 3 counts of aggravated assault.
  16. At the beginning of his career, he used to ask for Rice Krispies cereals in return for people hearing him rap.
  17. He always wanted to collaborate with either Prince, Michael Jackson, Drake, or even Ed Sheeran.
  18. YNW Melly planned to move to Atlanta, Georgia but was forced to go back to jail. He later moved to Miami, Florida, when his career took off. He said that he would never go back to the town of Gifford, Florida, as it was boring, and its low population worked 9-5 jobs with no aspirations or passion to do better.
  19. His mom and his manager tried to get his career started while he was imprisoned. They released music videos for songs Catching Feelings, 772 Love, and later the EP Collect Call, all in late 2016 and early 2017.
  20. He was released on probation in 2018 but was put back in jail due to the lyrics of the song Murder on my Mind.
  21. Melly had a pet snake he named Slimmer, but it died when he was young.
  22. As of March 2019, his Spotify account has more than 12 million monthly listeners.
  23. He was arrested on June 30, 2018, in Florida, because he had less than 20 grams of marijuana with him, along with drug paraphernalia and weapons. Melly was again arrested on January 3, 2019, for drug possession.
  24. On February 13, 2019, YNW Melly and the fellow rapper known as YNW Bortlen were arrested and charged with 2 counts of first-degree murder of 2 members of his YNW music collective in October 2018. They were 2 aspiring rappers, YNW Juvy who was 19 years old, and YNW Sakchaser, who was 21. Police said in their report that it was Melly who shot them dead, while Bortlen arranged the crime scene to make it look like a drive-by shooting by someone else, and later drove the victims to the hospital where they were pronounced dead.
  25. On February 22, 2019, it was reported that both Melly and Bortlen were suspects in an unsolved case from 2017. An off-duty cop Gary Chambliss in Melly’s hometown of Gifford, Florida was fatally shot on accident after the fight of 2 groups of citizens broke out, and he rushed in to stop them.
  26. Към март 2019 г. YNW Melly заяви, че е невинен и чака процес в затвора на окръг Флорида .
  27. Следвайте го в Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Last.fm и Spotify.

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